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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Nous utiliserons squid qui permet de réecrire certaines url (celles correspondant aux dépots) grace à un script python.

Exemple :
- on demande http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/a/alien_1.2.3.deb
- Squid transmet l'url au script python
- le script retranscris en adresse locale :
- Si le fichier local existe, le script renvoi l'url locale, sinon renvoi l'url non modifiée

Voici le script en question /usr/local/bin/squid-redirector.py :


Modifiez la config de squid de la façon suivante :

url_rewrite_program /usr/local/bin/squid-redirector.py

Le mirroir ubuntu peut se télécharger grace à debmirror avec la configuration suviante :


## Setting variables with explanations.

# Don't touch the user's keyring, have our own instead
export GNUPGHOME=/home/mirrorkeyring

# Arch=         -a      # Architecture. For Ubuntu can be i386, powerpc or amd64.
# sparc, only starts in dapper, it is only the later models of sparc.

# Minimum Ubuntu system requires main, restricted
# Section=      -s      # Section (One of the following - main/restricted/universe/multiverse).
# You can add extra file with $Section/debian-installer. ex: main/debian-installer,universe/debian-installer,multiverse/debian-installer,restricted/debian-installer

# Release=      -d      # Release of the system (Dapper, Edgy, Feisty, Gutsy, Hardy, Intrepid), and the -updates and -security ( -backports can be added if desired)

# Server=       -h      # Server name, minus the protocol and the path at the end
# CHANGE "*" to equal the mirror you want to create your mirror from. au. in Australia  ca. in Canada.
# This can be found in your own /etc/apt/sources.list file, assuming you have Ubuntu installed.

# Dir=          -r      # Path from the main server, so http://my.web.server/$dir, Server dependant

# Proto=        -e      # Protocol to use for transfer (http, ftp, hftp, rsync)
# Choose one - http is most usual the service, and the service must be avaialbe on the server you point at.

# Outpath=              # Directory to store the mirror in
# Make this a full path to where you want to mirror the material.

# The --nosource option only downloads debs and not deb-src's
# The --progress option shows files as they are downloaded
# --source \ in the place of --no-source \ if you want sources also.
# --nocleanup  Do not clean up the local mirror after mirroring is complete. Use this option to keep older repository
# Start script

CMD="debmirror -a $arch --no-source -s $section -h $server -d $release -r $inPath -v --progress --postcleanup -e $proto --ignore-release-gpg $outPath"

echo "Lancement de la commande : "
echo $CMD


#### End script to automate building of Ubuntu mirror ####
serveur_install_party/squirm.1254253771.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2023/07/18 23:11 (modification externe)